The team of Paduny Parish visited Awach P.7 primary school and Awach central primary school and had a discussion on the actions or way forward to the earlier challenges that were discussed with the pupils in relation to education and child welfare.
Early on, the main challenges that came out were lack of menstrual equipments that makes some pupils miss classes during menstruation period leading to poor performance and some do not come back to school; late enrolment in school that discourages some to continue because of age; demotivating language used both at home and in school sometimes which discourages hence they are not encouraged and so on.
The way forward or the actions drawn by the pupils to this challenges were training them on how to make re-usable pads, formation of mentorship club so that they can also be motivated or follow up steps of role models who have made it in education since some of them are demotivated.